The WWF Board is composed of outdoor enthusiasts dedicated to conserving our natural resources and sharing traditional outdoor skills with future generations. Conservation through education is our pursuit.
Our Board

John McGlenn, President
John was imprinted by an extended family that loved to hike, hunt, fish and garden. These activities continued whenever possible while serving as a line officer in the U.S. Navy followed by practicing as a consulting engineer and principal with a northwest engineering firm. After chairing a losing statewide Initiative campaign to increase WDFW funding for wildlife habitat and enforcement he served eight years on the WDFW Commission, four as Chairman. He has served on Boards of seven major conservation organizations, four as an officer, and is a founding Board member and past President of the Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition. He is strongly committed to WWF’s focus on education for those who want to enjoy the pleasures that he has had in the outdoors.

Steve Phillips, Treasurer
Steve is an Alaska, Bristol Bay, commercial fisherman. He is retired from the Boeing Company where he held financial and contract management positions. Steve has been active with Washington Wildlife Federation since 1993, having served previous terms as vice-president and president.

Ronni McGlenn, WOW Founder
Ronni is a Northwest native who started her non-profit career in the 1970’s. In 1998 she began what she describes as her most memorable project: she founded WOW – the Washington Outdoor Women program. With a background in education and teaching, WOW seemed the natural path to connect women with positive outdoor experiences via hands-on skills education. After 21 years as WOW’s Director she continues WWF oversight of WOW’s educational mission as a Board member. Ronni is the recipient of the 2011 Governor’s Recognition Award and the 2018 Karen M. Fant Founder’s Award. She and her husband, John, raised three outdoor enthusiasts.

Mark Heckert, Board Member
Mark is the founder and principal biologist of Beaver Creek Environmental Services based out of Puyallup. Mark grew up loving wild places and is a life-long outdoorsman and conservationist. Mark has worked as a Foreign Fisheries Observer on Japanese and Korean fishing vessels, a fishing Company representative, a commercial fisherman, a tribal biologist, a technical director with the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society, the director of the Intertribal Bison Cooperative, and as the Executive Director for the Willapa Alliance. He is a past board member of the National Wildlife Federation, and an active participant with the Puyallup River Watershed Council, WRIA 12 Citizens Advisory Council, and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.